Thursday, February 11, 2010

How Long Does It Take For Cat Food Poisoning To Set In My Kitty Died,and I Want To Find Out What Happened To Him?

My kitty died,and I want to find out what happened to him? - how long does it take for cat food poisoning to set in

Please say nothing about who should have led to the vet, because our appointment was approved, the next ... But my cat was a mainn Coon or write mode, and a week ago, which has just started to really sick .. If we feed our cats a view, he was right, what is remarkable because it or tub of lard '.. and then he began to thin. I brought and bring her food and water in the room, so you can see how it works, and he drank his water so slow! but he drank for about 20 minutes .. then like 2 minutes later, got to his feet and stood beside them! So I just left a couple of blankets and animal, until he falls asleep.So my cousins have been three days and told my mother, she's on this pageEyes open, and when he called his name, did not move ..

and I think you went to put rat poison or something.they my own garden and garage and all Cat Toys and palaces. but no closets with rat poison and my cats have recently learned to open doors to .. What do you think is the problem? Please help. I know this is long, but I am so upset and depressed: (


Mary said...

Sorry for your kitten, and I can understand why you know why he died like. Short of an autopsy, which said as Zach is expensive, can do some research to do with their symptoms to try to get some answers, or describe the symptoms to your vet and try to get some information in this way.

About your additional comments --
Please do not try to make others think of you too much (or too seriously). They have not walked a mile in their shoes. You have the best he could to his kitty. Cats can be very effective in hiding until the disease until they are very sick, and it is quite possible that he was ill and perhaps something that the vet could not do anything anyway. I know that my cat more of a family member of a catand if I lost her to be destroyed. Take care of yourself, and I will send healing thoughts their way.

One thing I suggest when (if) you have another cat - check to obtain a guarantee for the animals. You'll be surprised how cheap it is, and will help if you have an emergency in the future. I have my cat by the insured and is very reassuring to know that when he was very ill, I could not afford their treatment.

Lisa L said...

Sounds like a rush. Rat poison, death is not immediately, does it take several days. I know because my brother hate cats have been deliberately poisoned by his cat neighbors. All showed the same symptoms that you describe. They had an autopsy that was slightly more than $ 300. I think it's safe to say that, what happened to your cat. It is very sad. Hugs goes to you.

Bob N said...

Nobody, not even a vet can determine what your cat is killed outright, what you in your question.

An autopsy will be performed to determine the cause of death.

Ocimom said...

Sounds like some kind of noise for me. But outside, too many possibilities. Without an autopsy, you never know why he died.

So keep its best to them, or at least within monitored when they are outside.

behappi☺ said...

Perhaps, but I'm sorry. * Sob *

be happy, live well.

Zach Attebery said...

Rat poison is instant death - I do not know if you can find - but it is a challenge, it can perform an autopsy, that most of the time that we say that is not only a veterinarian, the animal died but it is expensive -- very expensive, but the only way to find out.
My friend bought a dog and scabies was the same day you purchased, and he died a few hours after the vet can do is diagnosed - we had to get an autopsy, but said he would be $ 1300, which probably was added in order to save his life, many costs - but nobody did. In addition, sew the animal finally, because all dogs have mange.
But the vet should be able to say, but it would have cost about 600 + with honesty, ultimately not worth it - the best thing to do is accept and movetry everything to keep you implemented in the future .. because if there rat poison in the most likely cause ..

Sorry for your cat
I wish him all the best for the future.
~ Zach

Café Mocha Valencia said...

Lovely. To know that your cat has been sick week, then why not him to the vet? And why he left his family still did not know that he was sick?

Since your cat is allowed to roam freely, could any number of things - the poisoning, a disease of cats, internal damage from an attack by animals, etc., etc., etc. How do you want us all know what magic? Enjoy your body to the vet and have been tested.

And please do not get in the future - a cat when you are sick, if you are going to ignore the symptoms. If he was poisoned - and had the right to vocational training - may still be alive today. Shame on you and your family.

And FYI - I doubt that your cat has a "Maine Coon". Let &# 039; SA pedigree breed of cat that starts at about $ 600. I doubt that his family took time - and money - find a breeder and buy a purebred cat, you throw it out then.

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