Sunday, February 14, 2010

Cold Virus Count Sick Baby With Low White Blood Cell Count?

Sick baby with low white blood cell count? - cold virus count

The reason why this is a long story, I do not feel like writing:)

But when a child (12 months) with a suspected virus is sick, should not his white blood cell count is high because the white blood cells are to fight infections? What happens when a child is sick (cold or flu, high fever) for 5 days and had a white blood cell count is below normal for a healthy child?

We thank you answers are appreciated.


mystic_e... said...

Not necessarily, many viral infections, especially in infants cause defects in white blood cells in the blood. ...
Sometimes the number of white blood cell count is low, if an infection is so severe, the body can not produce cells that fight against the disease quickly enough to fight against the infection. ...
The staff of the Mayo Clinic

A low white blood cell count is usually done by one of the following causes:

* Viral infections, which affect the function of bone marrow
* Congenital abnormalities characterized by decreased bone marrow function
* From the cancer or other diseases that damage the bone marrow
* Autoimmune-destroying diseases that cause B Whitelood cells or bone marrow cells
Infections * overwhelming that the use of white blood cells faster than they can be generated
* Drugs that kill white blood cells or spinal bone

Specific causes of low white blood cell count include: ...
Neutropenia can be acute infections of bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, parasites, certain injections, aplastic anemia and pernicious anemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, certain endocrine disorders and anaphylactic shock.
Other causes of low white blood cell count are: the flu lupus erythematosus, Hodgkin's lymphoma, certain types of cancer, typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue fever, RickettsIAL infections, enlargement of the spleen, folate, psittacosis and sepsis. There are many other causes, such as a lack of certain minerals such as copper and zinc.

MaMaBEAR said...

oooh - the child has been revised for autism? was something that the physician has control over our son. Sometimes the body is really depend on itself and starts attacking its own cells - or do HIV. I hope that the child will be closely monitored reallllll ... And I really hope that is not yours! Please tell me not to sell something?

dbzgalax... said...

This means that your child how many () not yet developed antibodies against all diseases Kiddo's get sweet sister.
Is he afraid? ~ YOU betchya However, your doctor will be able to help the child that through.

Moi? I prayed a lot! It is normal to have these fears by ... But it is our duty to continue to run. I have to check my son every few months for a while after a fight ~
Deb ~

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